Welcome to the Vernissage of the many worlds

- where nonsense makes sense in a nonsensical manner

Congratulations! You succesfully battled your way through the surreal soup maze and found the silly-spicy-fuzzy room of my artistic endeavors.
Below is a list of my major projects, roughly sorted after years of creation and depicted topics.

As to speak in open riddles: A creation cannot be separated from its creator, and a creator cannot be separated from the experiences that shaped them, you will find a lot of entanglement between my art, my perception, my experiences, my thoughts, my passions, my interests; my being. A lot of it might appear incomprehensible, paradox or twisted, and indeed, it sometimes also is. But it's also vivid, living, dynamical, changing, shapeshifting, transforming, ascending even - just as everything else in this world....

There's so much magic in the mundane,
and so much beauty in the broken.

/LOOKING INTO THE ABYSS...(2013-2016, Dywiann Xyara)

/...DISTANCE... - "The beginning is near" - detours into the abstract (2013-2022, Dywiann Xyara and Elliot s.AI)

/...WAKING UP FROM RECURSIVE NIGHTMARES (2022- now, Knotty et al./imaginativum

Major projects:

powered by knotty et al. / imaginativum