Welcome to the Vernissage of the many worlds

- where nonsense makes sense in a nonsensical manner

Who am I? What is imaginativum? And who is Knotty et al.?

"Knotty et al." is the collective term of my/our pseudonymes.
As I've changed my pseudonymes multiple times throughout my life, and am still alternating between different pseudonymes and still coming up with new ones from time to time, I thought that a "collective pseudonyme" for my creations would be helpful to give my physical embodiment a unique ID for referring to all my pseudonymes.

But...Why do I have more than one pseudonyme? And why do I alternate between multiple ones and still coming up with new ones?

That's something that I cannot explain myself with a high degree of certainty. Life has been somewhat rough. And my nervous system is a wreck sometimes. Perhaps that might amount to that phenomenon. I don't know.

Why do I talk/write/communicate so oddly?

Heck, why should I know? The idiosyncratic communication style is inscribed in the innate settings of how I perceive and process the world.

So, before we furtherly indulge into that detour of topics, we might return to the question about the imaginativum: What is the imaginativum?
The imaginativum is our thought palace, or more concretely: the "place" where we share our creations - may it be visual or written art, infographics or visualizations about some topics I enjoy to indulge in - like polyhedra, these pretty shapes that are not just candy for the eyes.

Back to the topic of the pseudonymes: Which pseudonymes does "Knotty et al. (or "Knotty et alia") contain so far?

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